Getting My Garage Back and Fixing the Clutch

Finally got my son’s gambler500 project car* out of the garage and went to move the accord back in, but, AAARRGH. It’ll start but just barely idle and if I give it any throttle it stalls. So I had to get my son to tow the accord around the house back the the garage.

We’ve started taking it apart to get the trans out so we can look at what’s wrong with the clutch. I believe that the arm is bent or the pivot failed. Anyway we know how to diagnose and fix that. The engine running badly is going to be a fiddly pain in the butt to figure out.

*my son has a 98 mustang v6 that he’s going to enter in this summer’s Gambler 500. It’s been in the garage for a month while he installed a lift kit, which, of course, lead to many complications, not all of which are solved, but at least it’s out of the garage.